Tania Fatima*, Sania Maqbool, Farwa Batool, Zainab Tehreem, Faiza Hanif, Muntaha Irshad, Umaima Khalid, Azka Maryam, Aima Fatima, Areeba Abid, Nimra Sardar, Muniba Zubair, Muhammad Ajmal Khan, Riffat Nizam
Objective: The purpose of this study was to see the effect of strength training of Latissimus Dorsi and Gluteus Maximus over pain and disability caused by mechanical problem at SI joint. Methodology: The study included 32 patients who met the eligibility requirements. Before conducting any examinations, participants were required to complete written informed consent forms. Patients with mechanical SI joint pain were divided randomly into two groups. In ‘group A’ Hot packs with Gluteal stretching was applied while in ‘group B’ only Strength training was given which included strengthening of both muscles. Patients were divided into two groups according to a computer-generated list. Through the course of the trial, both groups will receive the same conventional therapy. 15 minutes of hot packs will be administered, followed by 5 to 6 sessions of 15-second gluteal stretches. for the A group. Strengthening of both of the aforementioned muscles will be given to Group 2. Three times per week will be set aside for treatment. In both groups, the course of treatment lasted three weeks. Practical Implication Low back pain due to SI pain is a very familiar problem in all age group. It pain leads to multiple dysfunctions depending upon severity of pain. And cause of pain it may leads to functional disability. Physical therapy is important in the management of SI joint pain including heat therapy, ultrasound, infrared radiations, and manipulation and in some cases traction. This study was conducted purely in clinical setting of Physiotherapy Department Mayo Hospital, Lahore. The outcome of this study is of great value in treating SI joint back pain which is a great contribution to the health care system of Pakistan. Results: Patients in group B showed marked improvement as compared to group A. Comparison Numeric pain rating scale score (NPRS) and Oswestry disability index (ODI) score between both groups has shown that there were significant difference between post treatment scores of nprs with mean 6.18±0.75 to 4.06 ±0.85 and with the P value of 0.00 for all variables of NPRS, showing that group 2 showed marked improvement. Post treatment value of odi shows mean of 50.5±6.4 to47.81± 5.84 with p value less then 0.05. showing improvement in group 2. Conclusion: It was concluded from the results of this study that Strength training can improve the patient condition and reduce pain and disability.
Latissimus Dorsi, Gluteus Maximus, SI joint.